Ermine and Coco

I guess it's fitting to end the Christmas pictures with the couple that began our warren. Ermine is 10 or so now, and his Coco is right behind him. Coco gets excited to be out of her area, sometimes just to out to play and sometimes because she wants to be left alone. Ermine on the other hand is just grumpy. He led me a merry chase around the room before I finally scooped him up and put him on the couch. Then of course, he wouldn't stop moving enough to get a picture. :)  Finally, here are the final duo:

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! Nose bonks from all of us


Jade said…
All the pictures are just lovely. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. :)
The Fab Furs said…
What a cute couple! Happy Holidays!
Christina said…
What a wonderful bunch of bunny photos. I read that your dad had passed. I am so very sorry for your loss and I hope the new year will bring only good things for you.
Bestgirlforavon said…
Best Bunnies Around-
D- these little guys are so cute and very unusual- I really wish I have the room to have bunnies like these- I particularly like the coloring of coco-

I really love that excitiement and connection you have with your bunnies-
Great Pics-just adorable!
Have a great new year D- and look for a surprise!
Mandy Saile said…
Oh My they are just gorgues....makes me want to run to a shelter & adopt a few more:D....alas our house has somehow finally reached a perfect equilibrium with the 4 babies we have now so we're tryin not to spoil that. Hugs to your fab furries:D

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