The One Who Started It All...

We are having some computer issues at home which is delaying the posting of January's giveaway. I am excited because it's two, but also because I missed not having one last month and I really love the prizes. 

Ok, enough of that, what you really want is a bunny. Let's cheat a bit and do a post from work. Since we ended last year with a gorgeous Californian, I think it's fair to start the year with his 'mini me'. 

January 1, 2002

It had been a while since I had a furry baby in my life. We lived in a small apartment and it just wasn't fair to keep a dog couped up all day or to sentence a cat to looking at just 4 walls. I had a small garden on the porch area and tried to tempt the birds to come visit. Occassionally I would go to the local feed store to get bird food and roam around, it was there I first spotted the bunnies. I feel in love with a two tone brown bunny we quickly nicknamed Tommy TwoTone, but on the new years day when I went to get him I found out he was already spoken for. There was this tiny, tiny ball of fluff with gorgeous red eyes that watched me walk all around the store while I spoke to my hubby on the phone, and the sales lady spoke to the people who reserved Tommy on the phone, and I just generally wandered about wondering what I should do. I guess we'll never know what happened to the handsome brown boy, but those red eyes finally sunk into my thoughts and came home with me.

We were told it was a girl, and we named her Ermine. She was so small she fit in the palm of my hand. We were also told she was six months old. Ermine loved to run, running big circles all around me and doing the craziest jumps I had ever seen.

So cute!! Needless to say, everything we were told was wrong but we didn't find that out until later. My Ermine, nicknamed Squirim' Vermin because he was so small and hyper. Loved to chew on the rug, the molding, computer cables, tv cables and hide under the big chair. Ermine taught us a lot about bunnies and how to properly care for them. He would get horrible bouts of gas, and I would search and search for ways to help him out. Of course once I stopped giving him the seedy treat sticks he loved so much he had no more gas issues. It was the introduction of Coco to him we found out he was a boy, in a very obviously and completely male sort of way.. (giggle!!)

I think it was also obvious he wasn't six months old, more likely six weeks old. None of these things have ever detered those gorgeous red eyes. They may not see as well as they once did, but Ermine can still get his thoughts across when he wants.

Happy 10th gotcha day my grumpy little boy. Thanks for being the first, my teacher, my baby and my little sweetheart.

And yes, I promise to add a more current photo when I get the chance...


Christina said…
Happy Birthday Ermine...yes we know the bunny teachers well.
Jade said…
Hoppy 10th Bunniversary to you and Ermine! May there be many, many more to come. :)
Ermine was adorable as a youngster and has grown up into a very fine looking bunny!
Karen M said…
That's a very cute bunny butt to start the new year! These old bunny's are such loves, aren't they?
Natascha said…
My very first pet rabbit looked just like him! I got mine at 14 and named him Chippy...
Lisa said…
Aww happy gotcha day Ermine! Biffy's story is VERY similar, excpt probably with more mistakes. We live and learn, and our sweet bunnies teach us :) He is still such a handsome. You'd never know he was a day over two.

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