Cute Bunnies

I am currently working on redoing my bunny room area, and the buns are not happy with me. So getting more pictures is a bit more of challenge unless I want lots of pictures of furry butts. Ha ha! Luckily, I did manage to snag a few other views...

Graysie Stinkerbelle, being adorable as always

Ferdie Bird. Doesn't he look grumpy? I guess it's because I disturbed his nap by talking to him..

And finally Ferd and Bella. This look means 'Get your behind off the floor and go fix us nana woman!'

Have a great weekend everyone!


d. moll, said…
I certainly hope you got that naner snack for those buns!
Jade said…
Wow, that's a lot of disapproval there--I hope you were able to nana your way to safety. :)
certainly a bun look that won't take no for an answer!
Kisses to all dem cutie bunnies! Snack time indeed! They earned it! :)
Annette Tait said…
just adorable, or, er, abunable I should say :)
The Fab Furs said…
Very cute. But you should probably back away slowly when you put the banana down.
FairyCastleFarm said…
"Put down that nanna, and back away slowly, no one will get hurt" hee, hee, we love our nannas too - our human just added us to your blog, so we can follow , we think it's neat and love all the great stuff you get up to. from Patches and everyone at Fairy Castle Farm =(;o3
Lisa said…
I love the pic of Graysie!!! Fabulous! Candid bunny shots :-D
Mandy Saile said…
ahhhhhh such cuties I want to snuggle them all:D Graysie is extra adorable.

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