Coco, The Bravest Bunny I Know
As I start to think about what my bunny Christmas cards are going to look like this year, I start going through all the pictures I have taken. As well as thinking about the bunnies still with us and the one's whose time was up. We were incredibly fortunate this year, no one left for that multicolor bridge in the heavens. I am ever so thankful for the time I get to spend with my fur babies, especially my Coco. Coco came into our lives as a friend for Ermine. She was picked simply because I knew she was a girl (at the time I thought Ermine was a girl) and I loved the black and white coloring. Co is simply gorgeous. 
That face, so expressive. She ran and ran and ran as youngsters do.

That face, so expressive. She ran and ran and ran as youngsters do.

It was my hubby who bonded her to Ermine, I am still such a coward at bunny bonding.

With her rexy fur, Co is so soft and loves to rubbed. From the beginning her favorite human was my hubby, but she tolerated me as long as I rubbed when she demanded and gave plenty of treats. She would watch over me as I studied my tax classes and keep both Ermine and I in line.

She mellowed over the years, made the move to our house, took in the presence of other bunnies with grace and took long naps in the sun.

Coco will be 8 soon, the only sign of her age is her disability. 

At some point she injured her hip, and over time it begun to look like swiss cheese. She is on daily pain meds, but nothing else. Her life is spent on soft towels where she is hand fed pellets, treats, hay and water. Not because she won't eat - no no - because she deserves nothing less then personalized treatment. For two years now we have a daily routine of pampering and medicating and I wouldn't trade a minute of it. Coco has taught me how to survive being limited without giving up any strength or attitude. And although my hubby is still her favorite, I am treated to kisses for a job well done. I adore my princess, the bravest bunny I know. 

So glad that you have all your friends with you this year, what a blessing.
Coco is coping well with herself.
When Araella got rather bad arthritis earlier this year (one back leg only) I had her on homeopathic medication (I only go to a homeopathic vet) but it didn't make it 'better' and I then tried tiny, tiny amounts of serrapeptase - and it did the trick perfectly!
Sending a kiss and a head rub to your Princess xxx
Thanks for stopping by to visit my bunnies!