In Memory, Mr Mister Marten

Soon it was time to get them fixed, but the boys begun fighting immediately. So I let Seal pick and she chose Otter; leaving Marten alone.
I was the big scary lady to Marten, he preferred my hubby, but I knew he wanted a bunny friend so off to find his Charisma we went.
Gorgeous arent' they? Marten was strong, he was brave, and he was in charge. He warmed up to me thanks to my love bug Charisma and I got quite attached to him. Marten loved his ears rubbed at the base, and would let me do it for as long as I wanted. Marten was never sick until one fatal day last year, he got gas then bloat. Bloat is a terrible thing, it can kill a bunny within 24 hours. The rest, I guess, is history now.

Marten 2003 - 2007
We will always love you big guy, run free and happy in the big meadow in the sky... Til we meet again.